DOVER – Sponsored by Rep. Eric Morrison and Senator Spiros Mantzavinos, House Bill 54 would establish the Office of Suicide Prevention.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2022 over 49,000 people died by suicide in the United States. That is one death every 11 minutes. In the same year, 130 people were confirmed to have died by suicide in Delaware, a death rate of 11.4%.
49 other states have an Office of Suicide Prevention – Delaware is currently the only state in the nation without one.
“In Delaware we have made strides to increase access to mental health services and prevent individuals from taking their own lives. But for far too long, we have overlooked a clear opportunity to do more,” said Rep. Eric Morrison.
“HB 54 is a simple but effective way to coordinate suicide prevention efforts across the state, and over time gain a better understanding of how we can do more to address this critical issue. This legislation will save lives.”
Under HB 54, the Office of Suicide Prevention would assist the Suicide Prevention Coalition in its mission to raise awareness that suicide is a preventable public health problem, and enable the behavioral and social changes necessary to reduce suicidal ideation and attempts. Alongside the Coalition, the Office of Suicide Prevention would also create the State of Delaware’s Suicide Prevention Plan, and update it at least every three years.
Additionally, the Office would provide suicide prevention vision and guidance to stakeholders throughout the State, work with community level prevention organizations to promote best practices in suicide prevention, and oversee suicide prevention funding application processes and seek grant funds to further suicide prevention.
HB 54 is supported by the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families (DSCYF) and the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH).
“DSAMH is proud to support HB 54 to establish the Office of Suicide Prevention in Delaware, which will spread awareness of this urgent public health issue and save lives of Delawareans who need help,” said DSAMH Director Joanna Champney.
The Delaware Office of Suicide Prevention would be established within the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH). If passed, DSAMH will choose a Director to carry out the Office’s duties. Additionally employees may be hired consistent with recommendations of the Division and available funding.
The Office of Suicide Prevention would also serve in coordination with the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families (DSCYF) as a place to reach all suicide prevention resources in the state.
“In recent years, suicide rates have increased both in Delaware and throughout the US,” said Sen. Spiros Mantzavinos, Senate Prime Sponsor of HB 54.
“By creating a comprehensive, centralized, and proactive approach to suicide prevention, we can reach more of our neighbors and eliminate the stigma associated with seeking help.”
Beginning on October 15, 2026, the Office of Suicide Prevention will be required to prepare an annual report for the General Assembly and Governor that outlines the work of the Office and progress made towards suicide prevention.
HB 54 was assigned to the House Health and Human Development committee.