House Bill 305 – House Amendment 7 with HA 1, HA 1 to HA 1
The Delaware Marijuana Control Act regulates and taxes marijuana in the same manner as alcohol. It allows adults over the age of 21 to legally possess and consume under 1 ounce of marijuana for personal use. It does not permit […]
House Bill 481
This Act will amend the Delaware Code relating to the powers of the Delaware Higher Education Office and the state authorization of private postsecondary institutions. The intent of the Act is to increase consumer protections for students enrolled in private […]
House Bill 374 with House Amendment 1 + Senate Amendment 1
This bill extends protections to homeowners in manufactured home communities even if their homes do not qualify as “manufactured homes” under the current definition of manufactured home. Currently there exists a population of Delawareans living in camper trailers on rented […]
House Bill 368
This Act deletes from the Delaware Code a derogatory and highly offensive term for Italian-, Spanish-, and Portuguese-American immigrants. […]