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Delaware House Democrats


House Bill 479

This Act increases the civil penalty for violating the parking regulations in § 4180 from not less than $10 nor more than $25 to not less than $100 nor more than $500. This Act also increases the minimum fine for […]

House Bill 490 with House Amendment 1

Delaware’s Motor Vehicle Statutes contemplate for vehicle obstructing traffic enforcement by law enforcement agencies. It is not always possible for law enforcement officers to enforce the right-of-way regulations in areas effectively due to a number of considerations, including officer availability […]

House Bill 453 with House Amendment 1

This Act makes necessary updates to Delaware Code provisions codifying procedures related to the General Assembly to bring these provisions into compliance with current practice and to make technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware […]

House Bill 452

This Act is the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to make necessary technical corrections identified by the General Assembly’s Division of Research. Specifically, these technical corrections consist of the following: Section 1 and Section 12 of […]