House Bill 489
This legislation imposes a new, elective entity-level tax on the income of partnerships and S-corporations, each of which are commonly referred to as “pass-through entities” for tax purposes. Prior to this legislation, the income of a pass-through entity was subject […]

House Concurrent Resolution 14
This Concurrent Resolution requests that the budget bill prepared by the Joint Finance Committee keep the Senior Property Tax Credit at its statutorily enacted level of the lesser of 50%, or $500, rather than lower the maximum credit amount through […]

House Joint Resolution 2
This House Joint Resolution establishes the Legislative Building Committee for the purpose of studying and recommending a plan to address the technology, security, and space needs for Legislative Hall. […]
House Amendment 5 to House Bill 451
This amendment clarifies paragraph (a)(5) will not apply to a married person under the age of 21 who has been married for at least 6 months. […]