Born and raised in Dunlieth, Rep. Cooke is a retired New Castle County Police Officer and former Executive Assistant to New Castle County Executive Thomas P. Gordon. He served as Vice President of FOP Lodge No. 5 and a member of theDelaware state FOP Executive Board. He is currently a member of the Delaware Commission of Forensic Science.
Rep. Cooke chaired the Law Enforcement Accountability Task Force of the 151st General Assembly.
Rep. Cooke represents the communities of South Wilmington, Dunlieth, and Southbridge and is focused on environmental justice, fair housing, and underserved communities.
Sister, Paula Seeney; Son, Franklin D. Cooke III; Grandson, Gavin Cooke
Graduate of DeLaWarr High School and Cheyney State University
Investigator, Delaware Office of Defense Services
Legislative Service:
House, 2018 - Present
- Corrections, Vice-Chair
- Gaming & Parimutuels, Vice-Chair
- Judiciary, Member
- Labor, Member
- Public Safety & Homeland Security, Chair
- Veterans Affairs, Member
- Captial Improvement, Member
Legislative Highlights
House Bill 243 with House Amendment 1
This bill prohibits law-enforcement agencies from releasing or publishing or causing to be released or published the name of any juvenile or any image depicting a juvenile, including displaying such image on any publicly maintained social media page or website, […]
House Amendment 2 to House Bill 299
This amendment exempts from the definition of “retail store”, transactions for the rental of consumer goods, services, or accommodations for which posting collateral or security is typically required. This amendment also exempts transactions at any sporting or entertainment event, including […]
House Bill 299 with House Amendment 2
This Act prohibits the seller of consumer goods or services from refusing to accept cash payment, except in limited circumstances. Sales covered by this Act are those made at a retail store through an in-person transaction. The Act does not […]