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Delaware House Democrats

Meet Your Representative

Madinah Wilson-Anton

District 26

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Madinah Wilson-Anton

Rep. Wilson-Anton was elected in 2020 to represent the 26th district where she grew up.  She attended Gauger-Cobbs Middle School and graduated from the Charter School of Wilmington. She is an alumna of the University of Delaware and holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Asian Studies. She has formally studied Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish.

While at the University of Delaware, Rep. Wilson-Anton was actively involved in several campus organizations where she held leadership positions, including the Muslim Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, and her sorority Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.

She worked for two years as a legislative fellow in the state legislature, and an additional year as a legislative aide for the 26th and 27th districts. In these capacities, she researched legislation, staffed committee meetings, and communicated with residents and helped them with a variety of issues. This experience gave her first-hand exposure to the issues and concerns of her fellow community members.

As a state representative, Rep. Wilson-Anton is fighting for social, economic, and racial justice for all Delawareans.


Spouse, Isaiah


Charter School of Wilmington International Relations & Political Science, Asian Studies, B.A. (2016), University of Delaware Urban Affairs & Public Policy, M.A. (2022), Biden School of Public Policy, University of Delaware


Adjunct faculty, University of Delaware

Legislative Service:

House, 2020 - Present


Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce, Member

Revenue & Finance, Chair

Natural Resources & Energy, Member

Technology & Telecommunications, Vice-Chair

Public Safety & Homeland Security, Member

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Legislative Highlights

House Bill 353 - House Amendment 1

This Act pauses the granting of new school charters and modifications to charters in New Castle County and creates a New Castle County Charter School Reform Advisory Group (Advisory Group), to review the process and criteria for granting new charter […]

House Bill 368

This Act deletes from the Delaware Code a derogatory and highly offensive term for Italian-, Spanish-, and Portuguese-American immigrants. […]

House Bill 374 with House Amendment 1 + Senate Amendment 1

This bill extends protections to homeowners in manufactured home communities even if their homes do not qualify as “manufactured homes” under the current definition of manufactured home. Currently there exists a population of Delawareans living in camper trailers on rented […]

House Bill 481

This Act will amend the Delaware Code relating to the powers of the Delaware Higher Education Office and the state authorization of private postsecondary institutions. The intent of the Act is to increase consumer protections for students enrolled in private […]


Longhurst Announces Committee Leadership Changes

DOVER – Due to the election of new House leaders earlier this summer, the House Democratic Caucus announced several committee leadership changes on Friday. Most of the changes are the result of new responsibilities for the caucus leadership team, which […]

Williams Bill Would Address Forfeiture Law Deficiencies

DOVER –Rep. Kim Williams has introduced House Bill 115 to address the deficiencies plaguing Delaware’s civil asset forfeiture laws. “A person is innocent until proven guilty,” said Rep. Williams, D-Prices Corner. “The current civil asset forfeiture system doesn’t reflect that notion. The system runs counter […]