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Delaware House Democrats

House Social Media Commenting Guidelines

July 20, 2023

These terms of use are maintained by the Delaware House Democratic Caucus for this page and other official government social media sites used by our members or the Caucus. Members of the public who post, comment or otherwise submit content to this page agree they have read, understand and will abide by the following policy, terms and conditions.

The purpose of these social media accounts is to provide timely information about proposed and/or pending legislation and government initiatives and how state government affects you. Any person or entity that uses this page accepts the terms of this policy. Further, the Caucus reserves the right to discontinue this page at any time. 

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Comments on this page are publicly accessible. It is vital that you refrain from posting and/or sharing sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers, phone numbers, mailing addresses or home addresses.

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Communications made through this page will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the Delaware House Democratic Caucus or any official or employee of the Caucus for any purpose.

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Bush Measure Would Enable Same-Day Voter Registration in Delaware

DOVER- On Tuesday, lawmakers introduced a measure that would pave the way for Delaware residents to register to vote and cast their ballot in one convenient trip. Sponsored by Rep. Bill Bush and Sen. Kyra Hoffner, House Bill 88 would amend Delaware’s constitution to allow […]

Ross Levin Bill Would Require Pay Transparency in Delaware

DOVER- During a press conference recognizing Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, lawmakers unveiled new legislation that aims to address wage disparities and advance pay equity in Delaware. Sponsored by Rep. Melanie Ross Levin and Sen. Laura Sturgeon, House Bill 105 would require employers to disclose […]

House Passes Williams Bill to Ban Tianeptine

DOVER- The House passed legislation Thursday that would effectively ban the sale of tianeptine, a dangerous substance often referred to as “gas station heroin.” Sponsored by Rep. Kim Williams and Sen. Stephanie Hansen, House Bill 21 would classify tianeptine as […]

Rep. Griffith Remarks on Critical Care Week

Thank you Madame Speaker and Colleagues of the House of Representatives. Today I am honored to stand before you with several critical care medicine specialists as we mark May as National Critical Care Awareness and Recognition Month. I’m also here […]

Addressing the Healthcare Cost Crisis: HB 350

Op Ed from Representatives of Delaware’s Public Sector Workforce For the last decade, experts from Delaware and around the country have sounded the alarm that hospital prices in Delaware are unsustainable and out-of-control. As representatives of Delaware’s public sector workforce, […]

National Apprenticeship Week

By Rep. Ed Osienski and Sen. Jack Walsh As legislative labor leaders and proud union members, we know there are paths to a prosperous career that don’t always involve a traditional college degree. We have seen more and more in […]

Bush Measure Would Enable Same-Day Voter Registration in Delaware

DOVER- On Tuesday, lawmakers introduced a measure that would pave the way for Delaware residents to register to vote and cast their ballot in one convenient trip. Sponsored by Rep. Bill Bush and Sen. Kyra Hoffner, House Bill 88 would amend Delaware’s constitution to allow […]

Ross Levin Bill Would Require Pay Transparency in Delaware

DOVER- During a press conference recognizing Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, lawmakers unveiled new legislation that aims to address wage disparities and advance pay equity in Delaware. Sponsored by Rep. Melanie Ross Levin and Sen. Laura Sturgeon, House Bill 105 would require employers to disclose […]

House Passes Williams Bill to Ban Tianeptine

DOVER- The House passed legislation Thursday that would effectively ban the sale of tianeptine, a dangerous substance often referred to as “gas station heroin.” Sponsored by Rep. Kim Williams and Sen. Stephanie Hansen, House Bill 21 would classify tianeptine as […]