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Delaware House Democrats

Griffith Receives Legislative Achievement Award

January 24, 2024

State Council for Persons with Disabilities honors representative during annual conference.

DOVER – The Delaware State Council for Persons with Disabilities (SCPD) presented state Rep. Krista Griffith with a Legislative Achievement Award during its annual LIFE Conference on Wednesday, Jan. 24 in Dover, DE. The recognition stems from Rep. Griffith’s tireless work and dedication to advancing the lives of Delawareans with disabilities, including 2022’s HB 311, legislation that she authored in collaboration with the SCPD.

“It’s an honor to receive recognition from the SCPD, an organization I have such respect for and a cause I care so deeply about,” Rep. Krista Griffith, D-Wilmington. “During the past five years the SCPD informed me about so many important issues we must tackle in advancing the rights of individuals with disabilities and entrusted me with this important work.”

With a mission of being at the forefront of providing information, educational resources and opportunities for persons with disabilities, their families, caregivers, educators, and providers, the primary goal of the LIFE Conference is to promote and support full community integration by focusing on four areas: Legislation, Independence, Families and Education.

“Almost 10 years ago our family’s lives changed forever when my son Nate was born,” Rep. Griffith added. “Nate is my inspiration, the reason I actually entered public life. He gives hugs that can melt away your troubles. He has this wonderful way of drawing you in with irresistible smiles and eyes that twinkle in a somewhat mischievous way. He’s the most resourceful person I’ve ever met.

“And, he also has Down syndrome.”

Rep. Griffith explained that experiences with her son have filled her with a determination to do her part to ensure those with disabilities and other vulnerable Delawareans have the support they not only need but also deserve.

“As elected officials we tend to be the ones who get the spotlight, receive wonderful awards like this,” said Rep. Griffith. “But I know firsthand that the ones who deserve our admiration are the ones who don’t get attention. It’s the young woman with a disability trying to find a job. It’s the father who can’t get up and go to work because the home health aide he relies on can’t afford to work in the profession she’s called to because wages are too low. It’s the mother scraping to save for her son’s wheelchair, or the father comforting his daughter in intensive care.”

“Nate has taught us many precious lessons,” Rep. Griffith said. “One of the most important is that, with the right support, people with disabilities, and the people who love them, can overcome almost any challenge. But it can’t be done alone. “Inspired daily by my son Nate, I’m dedicated to doing my part, and working with organizations like the SCPD for as long as I remain able.”

For more information about the LIFE Conference, click here.

ones who don’t get attention. It’s the young woman with a disability trying to find a job. It’s the
father who can’t get up and go to work because the home health aide he relies on can’t afford to
work in the profession she’s called to because wages are too low. It’s the mother scraping to save
for her son’s wheelchair, or the father comforting his daughter in intensive care.”
“Nate has taught us many precious lessons,” Rep. Griffith said. “One of the most important is
that, with the right support, people with disabilities, and the people who love them, can
overcome almost any challenge. But it can’t be done alone. “Inspired daily by my son Nate, I’m
dedicated to doing my part, and working with organizations like the SCPD for as long as I
remain able.”
For more information about the LIFE Conference, click here.

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