Representative Chukwuocha is a lifelong Wilmingtonian and a former Wilmington City Councilman; he served as President Pro Tempore and Chaired the Education, Youth and Families and was Vice Chair for the Finance and Economic Development Committees.
Representative Chukwuocha is also a community-based master social worker with over 30 years of direct service and administrative experience working with and on behalf of youth, families and communities.
Representative Chukwuocha is a veteran who proudly served in the United States Army.
Representative Chukwuocha is one-half of the Twin Poets. The acclaimed spoken word duo was appointed as the State of Delaware 17th Poets Laureate.
Representative Chukwuocha mentors youth and coaches youth football, track and baseball.
BA - History, Delaware State University, MSW - Delaware State University
Licensed Master Social Worker
Legislative Service:
House, 2018 - Present
Veterans Affairs, Chair
Education, Member
Health & Human Development, Chair
Joint Finance Committee, Member
Corrections, Member
Gaming, Member
Legislative Highlights
House Bill 436
This bill extends the dates in which the recommendation and plan of the Redding Consortium for Educational Equity must be reviewed and acted upon by the State Board of Education. The extension is necessary due to delays mostly caused by […]
House Bill 447 with House Amendment 2
This Act implements some of the recommendations of the African American Task Force’s Safety and Justice Subcommittee. Specifically, it requires that cases or charges that are more than 7 years old be treated as “resolved in favor of” a child […]
House Bill 458
This Act authorizes the City of Wilmington to acquire vacant or abandoned property through the exercise of eminent domain when an ordinance declares the acquisition part of a community development plan necessary to prevent the decline or decay of the […]
House Bill 464
This Act creates the Equity Ombudsman Program and the Educational Equity Council. […]