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Delaware House Democrats

Meet Your Representative

Sherae’a Moore

District 8

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Sherae’a Moore

Sherae’a “Rae” Moore is a dedicated Middletown resident who has experience as a teacher, policy reformer, and legislative staffer. She is a product of Appoquinimink School District, graduating from Middletown High School. She became a first-generation college graduate after receiving her undergraduate degree from Delaware State University in English. 

After receiving her Master’s degree in Public Administration, Rep. Moore began a career in public service. She made a shift in careers and became an educator. It was through this experience where she saw firsthand how overburdened and underserved the education system was. Becoming an educator solidified her passion for advocating for those who feel like they do not have a voice. 

Rep. Moore is a mother, educator and advocate. She is proudly serving in her third term as State Representative for the 8th District with the belief that the future of Delaware deserves more.


B.A. English, Delaware State University M.A. Public Policy and Administration, Liberty University



Legislative Service:

House, 2020 - Present


Education, Vice Chair

Housing, Member

Veterans Affairs, Member

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Legislative Highlights

House Bill 348

This Act provides nationally certified occupational therapists with a salary supplement for receiving national certification. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing language to the standards of the Delaware Drafting Manual. […]

House Substitute 1 for House Bill 377

This Act requires the Department of Education to conduct an annual workforce study of early childhood professionals to support the development of a plan and implementation of a system of supports to grow and deepen the early childhood workforce. The […]

House Bill 377

This Act requires the Department of Education to conduct an annual workforce study of early childhood professionals to support the development of a plan and implementation of a system of supports to grow and deepen the early childhood workforce. The […]

House Bill 448

This Act adds provisions to Title 21 defining accessible parking spaces, incorporating federal standards for accessible parking spaces found in the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable regulations. The Act also provides additional requirements that enhance these standards and better […]