DOVER – House Speaker Melissa Minor-Brown, House Majority Leader Kerri Evelyn Harris, and House Majority Whip Ed Osienski issued the following statement Tuesday on the inauguration of Governor Matt Meyer and Lieutenant Governor Kyle Evans Gay.
“Congratulations to Governor Matt Meyer and Lieutenant Governor Kyle Evans Gay on being sworn into office!
“Leadership matters most in times of uncertainty, and the next four years will test us all. The rights and opportunities that generations of Delawareans have fought for are under attack, but our state is fortunate to have strong, compassionate leaders who are ready to stand up and fight for what’s right.
“We look forward to working collaboratively with Governor Meyer, Lt. Governor Evans Gay, and all of our colleagues in the General Assembly to meet these challenges and build a Delaware that stands strong for its residents, safeguards their rights, and expands opportunities through good jobs, accessible healthcare, and quality education.”